Group Workshops


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Learn in the comfort of your own your home and invite your family and friends. It’s easy, we come to you, whether it’s at your house or mothers group meeting spots or even community playgroup centres. 

Workshops run for 60-90 minutes tailored around Settling Techniques, the Science of Sleep and all there is to know about helping your little one begin her healthy sleeping habits.

We tailor to the following age groups:

  • Newborns to 3 months
  • 3 – 6 months   
  • 6 months to 12 months
  • Toddlers – 4 years


A minimum booking of four adults per workshop.

Choose between three workshops currently on offer:

Moonlight Baby Sleep Consultant Melbourne - Parents holding swaddled sleeping baby

Newborn Settling

Settling a crying baby is one of the hardest jobs a newborn parent can undertake. Some have the magic touch but not all have the natural instinct to soothe their baby.

In this hands-on workshop we practice two settling techniques to empower parents and help them instantly soothe their crying bub and settle her into blissful sleep.

We also explore different swaddling options to help contain the startle reflex. Even at a young age babies show their preference from arms down, across the chest or even hands near the mouth to soothe.

Avoid the sleep deprivation experienced in the first months of your parenting journey and empower yourself with soothing techniques.

Moonlight Baby Sleep Consultant Melbourne

Implementing Healthy Sleep Habits

There are 5 elements to healthy sleep which work to compliment one another to deliver healthy sleep.

In this workshop we look at the importance of sleeping environments, teaching positive sleep cues and associations, how to avoid overtiredness and loads more. 

Moonlight Baby Sleep Consultant Melbourne

Science of Sleep - The First 5 Years

Understanding your baby’s sleeping requirements through the first five years will help you set the right foundation for ongoing healthy sleep.

This workshop teaches the science behind sleep. We look at brain maturity and capacity of wake windows.

As your baby withstands larger periods of alertness, her sleep requirement will decrease as naps become shorter until you see them disappear all together.

Having this understanding will help you offer the right balance of sleep and daily stimulation in order to enjoy a restful night of sleep.

Enjoy your parenting journey with a calm and empowered attitude.